Common informations

Docker proxy

Since test runs can consume the maximum number of free pools available in the Docker registry, there is an extension on IApplicationFactory where you can set the proxy path for pulling containers.

// Works for ASP aswell
ApplicationFactory = new ApplicationFactoryBuilder<Program>()

Port Setting

Each <Technology>Options contains a Port property, which allows you to set the desired port for running the container. Example for setting the port for SQL:

.UseSql(SqlSeed, (configuration, sqlSettings) =>
    // SQL configuration, e.g., connection or database settings
}, opts =>
    // Set the port where the SQL container will run
    opts.Port = 1200;


In this case, <Technology> is a placeholder for any specific technology (like Sql, Redis, etc.), depending on your context.

Disable admin tool

Each <Technology>Options contains a RunAdminTool property, which allows you to run admin tool for visualization. By default it is set to true and works only in debug mode.

Example for setting the port for SQL:

.UseSql(SqlSeed, (configuration, sqlSettings) =>
}, opts =>
    opts.RunAdminTool = false;


In this case, <Technology> is a placeholder for any specific technology (like Sql, Redis, etc.), depending on your context.